About Us


Hello! This is Trista and I’m so honored you are here!

I have always loved creating things with my hands. Growing up my quuestion wasn't "Why?" it was "How?" I always wanted to know how things were made. Out of this love, I started a small handmade jewelry company 9 years ago. Long story short, we now also sell handcrafted skin care products and home goods!

I know. There’s lots of small handmade businesses out there and there’s lots of skincare companies. Why are we special?

Our business is called Made Known Market LLC. The mission behind our business is three fold: Honest marketing, knowledgeable creators and consumers, and healthy and affordable products.


Growing up I was very self conscience of my appearance. I desired to be known by my appearance. I used and “put on” so many things as a way of feeling known by others. It wasn’t until later in my life when I learned that I didn’t have to do anything to make myself known, because I was Made Known. Just as an artist knows the art they make, God knows His people He makes.

I want to provide good products without selling lies. Our products are great tools to health and beauty. But you don’t need them to be known by others. You were Made Known ❤️


Jon here 🙂 what if I told you that I didn’t know how to do my own laundary or use a drill until I became an adult?

This is the reality of many. The beauty and goodness of creating with our hands is a dying skill. Neither my wife nor I ever dreamed of going into business, let alone owning our own business. But as we raise our five sons, we see the value in encouraging a love of using our hands + a love of life long learning to steward and enjoy the resources of God’s Creation. 


Like many of you, we began a journey of consumer awareness when we became parents. Nine years ago our twins were born and they seemed to be sensitive to many ingredients. The learning curve was steep. It took us years to understand what all went into products and then it took us several more years to find new products that we could afford. We resonate deeply with this last mission and are committed to earning your trust in or products. 



True beauty.

It doesn't hide truth.

It doesn't despise aging.

It doesn't idolize vanity.

What if we told you that you didn't have to put anything on to be Known.

You were Made Known. The Creator who made you, loves you. 

We are an honest and transparent company that wants to encourage the next generation of Creators and Consumers. Knowledge is a wonderful thing! There is so much to learn about Creation and all it has to offer in our products! 

At Made Known Market LLC, we are not anti-aging. We are aging with grace.